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Welcome to the series pages for The Wolf Riders of Keldarra, written and developed by the author Nathalie M.L. Römer. The links to the available books in this series will be added in due course. Please note that this website DOES contain SPOILERS for the epic fantasy book series, so browsing, especially if you’ve never read any of the books, is at your own risk.

You may get so spoiled with information that you won’t resist the urge to BUY ALL BOOKS in a big splurge and then binge read them while on holiday from that stressful job you do. Nathalie’s books are wordy and contain hundreds of pages, and Nathalie won’t ever apologize for either of these things.

My books are the readers who love devouring big books of fantasy, and the series can be compared, in terms of world building, somewhat similar to the works of either JRR Tolkien or Brandon Sanderson (based on Nathalie’s own assessment after reading both authors’ work a few more times).

Noteif you read the books and you decide that this series also reminds you of other authors for comparison, please send a message to Nathalie at this email address hello@nathaliemlromer.com to let her know your opinion.

The Story Overview

The Wolf Riders of Keldarra is an epic fantasy adventure series written by multi-genre author Nathalie M.L. Römer who began working on the nine-book series in November 2014. It tells the story of Marrida and Alagur who encounter one another by chance, and then are thrust into a journey of exploration, self-discovery and danger to uncover answers for a mystery that Marrida has uncovered by chance. She was an Acolyte in the Temple of Ruh’nar; he was a Wolf Rider looking for answers about his past. Together they discover that Keldarra has mysteries that span back thousands of years. It all began with a prophecy
